
NAS Conception


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Place Value GmbH – Strong package thanks to strong partners

“Being innovative also means having the best project partners on board at any given time.” Nico Straub, Managing Director of NAS conception, is convinced of this – and can name various best-practice examples. For example, the Düsseldorf-based company recently created an all-round package for Place Value GmbH with external support. The special challenge: The group, which specializes in all topics related to the hotel industry, consists of 35 independent companies that work separately from each other, but also want to exchange data closely.

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IFU seminars in Corona times: NAS conception and Microsoft Teams enable digital turnaround

Companies that make their living from the seminar business are naturally particularly hard hit by the Corona crisis. Fast and professional rethinking and switching with experienced partners is required. A best-practice example from these days is the IFU Institute for Corporate Management in Bonn, which has made the digital leap with the help of NAS conception. IFU is the market leader in tax law training for tax consultant firms and organizes more than 2,000 seminars and conferences per year.

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NAS conception supports successful startup NIKIN with its NC365 solutions

Turnover increased tenfold after the founding year, staff doubled last year – the fashion startup NIKIN, founded three years ago, is taking off in full swing. Technical consulting is provided by NAS conception GmbH. “We are an online label, but our technology skills are not enough in some places,” says NIKIN CEO Nicholas Hänny, explaining the reason for the collaboration. When business started to boom, they urgently needed an ERP system. NAS conception with its brand NC365 provides the cloud ERP “Business Central”,

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NAS meets Dynamics 365 Business Central community in Vienna

The managing directors of NAS conception, Nico Straub and Andreas Eickel, are currently attending a very special “family reunion” in Vienna. They attend Directions EMEA, an independent conference for Microsoft partners with an SME focus. There, among other things, the Dynamics 365 Business Central community meets directly with Microsoft to discuss current innovations together and to exchange ideas intensively. The organizers expected more than 2,500 participants from all over Europe in advance. “Of course, we can’t miss out on that,” says Andreas Eickel. “I’m looking forward to the exchange of knowledge, which will ultimately benefit our customers as well, of course, and I’m sure we’ll be able to expand our already large network here.”

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NAS conception rolls out Dynamics 365 Business Central for Leverate Media worldwide

Düsseldorf-based NAS conception, together with its customer Leverate Media, is once again breaking new ground as part of the second wave of releases in 2019 of Microsoft’s Dynamics 365 cloud platform. In a joint project, the Berlin-based media agency will now roll out its Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central productive environment, which was implemented by NAS conception, to its international locations in the USA and Indonesia.

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Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence without hurdles

Using Excel lists to combat data clutter? Once upon a time. Today, software such as Microsoft’s Power BI ensures the right overview and provides companies with all essential information.

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System house

Cloud solutions instead of system house services

Complex infrastructures and classic support are usually no longer necessary. Good service from an IT partner can be structured differently today. The focus is on software and consulting.

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