
NAS Conception


Here you will find all information about the latest customer applications and product developments for your company.
Feel free to click through our posts to learn more.

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence without hurdles

Using Excel lists to combat data clutter? Once upon a time. Today, software such as Microsoft’s Power BI ensures the right overview and provides companies with all essential information.

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System house

Cloud solutions instead of system house services

Complex infrastructures and classic support are usually no longer necessary. Good service from an IT partner can be structured differently today. The focus is on software and consulting.

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HR Software


The struggle for skilled workers is real. This is not just about the top people in management, but about qualified specialists at all levels. No company can stay on the market in the long term if its human resources management is not right. Skilled workers and talent must be found, recruited, promoted and paid. Talent for Microsoft Dynamics 365 helps with exactly these tasks.

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NC365 PCM NEW in AppSource from Microsoft

NC365 PCM now available via Microsoft Appsource

Our first extension for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central has made it into Microsoft’s AppSource. Through NC365 PCM, project management is enhanced with project contract management and graphical resource management.

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Digital transformation

Why consulting is so important

Digitization, scalability, digital transformation and Industry 4.0. are buzzwords that every entrepreneur will have heard about by now. From the small bakery on the corner to the international conglomerate – it is impossible to imagine business without digitization. Although the topic is no longer a novelty, numerous companies still stumble when taking their first steps in the digital world. In this article, we will show you why good consulting is so important and give you useful tips for your first steps in digital transformation.

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Microsoft Partner Conference #DPK18

4 days #DPK2018. It was a great event with lots of news to pass on to our customers.
My personal TOP presentations were “The brave new world in customer service: voice assistants and Dynamics 365 hands-on”, in which Paul Batsii illustrated the process of a customer request through to technician dispatching via Alexa voice control.
Thomas Kombrecht has informed us about the further roadmap of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and

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The NC Summer Party 2018

We say thank you & celebrate summer

With temperatures slowly dropping and days getting shorter, summer is gradually coming to an end. In the meantime, we can look back on exciting, successful and particularly hot summer months: We have gained great new customers and partners, further deepened our knowledge and skills and used them professionally for our customers and thus realized exciting projects. This great summer season was rounded off by our very special highlight, the relaunch of our website in late summer. Such a successful year naturally needs to be celebrated – with our NAS conception summer party!

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